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Make Good Use of the Tools Internet Businesses Need to Succeed

There are always both tangible and intangible tools that people must employ when they are trying to do any job or succeed at any endeavor, whether personal or business. Naturally these may overlap. For example if you have a gift for making friends and gaining people’s confidence throughout your life in general, then it is quite likely that when you apply these characteristics to business, you will do well at building relationships, etc.

IM Tools

We can also look at the tools as being resources, skills and talents. An example here might be that you have always been very organized and methodical and this has allowed you to successfully (and accurately) multi-task in your working career. This of course will be a key benefit or strength in starting your own business as well.

OK so it sounds like so far we have the makings of someone who might excel at quite a few things. If we now add some psychological components, a good example of that would be having a positive attitude and not being easily discouraged. This is really a primary gift that one needs to have 24/7!

Along with that ability it would be great if our ‘toolbox’ included determination – because in order to make it in sales or marketing, someone wanting to succeed must be really dogged, (“a steadfast adherence to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion”).

The point to all this is that we have to start looking at things as assets vs liabilities when we are creating our business plan – no matter how informal. We may feel new and have little experience in the new terrain of having our own business. However we must remember that ‘we didn’t fall off of the turnip truck’. We have skills, talents, characteristics and past experience that will help us to formulate a plan and then to implement and maintain it to the point of success!

So we come to the table with the sum total of all of our experience and now we need to have specific tools for the Internet marketing industry. These are things like a domain name registration, a hosting account, an autoresponder service, list building services, ghostwriting services for our autoresponder marketing messages, as well as for advertisements, blog, search engine optimization services, and etc.

Someday we may get really sophisticated with contact management systems, web conference rooms, live chat clients, helpdesks, etc. But right now if we are just starting out, we just need to be present (focus), be engaged (work it), and patient (realistic). You have got what it takes!


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